With me always
No matter how successful you are, how big your house is, how well your business is doing, how fit and healthy you are, I am quite certain and aware that the ultimate feeling of happiness comes from being with your soulmate. I never liked the phrase ‘my other half’ as that makes me feel chopped in half. I understand the sentiment, that your other half is the half to your whole, but it never quite resonated [...] August 15, 2017
I am a spiritual being having a human experience.
I did not come up with this phrase, it is used among many. Sometimes I have moments where I am unequivocally aware of the truth behind it. So much so that I can feel it with my entire being. As a society, when we are at pace, when we have shelter and food and the basic necessities taken care of, when there is no war or plague; we start to ponder, to look round at this amazing [...] July 30, 2017