Art – The New Christmas Shopping Trend
The adverts tell us earlier and earlier each year – Christmas is coming. But rather than the mounds of plastic toys, overpriced perfumes, or single-use novelty items, have you ever wondered if there’s an escape from the transience of traditional gift-giving? Buying art for Christmas is a wonderful way of passing on sentiment, showing that you know a person, and giving them something that they’ll cherish for a lifetime. Here are 7 reasons you should consider art [...] November 27, 2018
Painting the Spirit Animal Series
The spirit animal series is one of importance to me. But before I discuss how they came to be, it is important that I provide you with some context. My Art Inspiration I have been a seeker for personal and spiritual growth for the past 20 years. I have learned to focus my thoughts on the positive and to find the good in life and in people. I am what you may call the ‘happy [...] October 17, 2018
What if?
I look at a painting and sometimes I’m amazed at how just a few colours and shapes can transmit such strong emotions. And then I remember the intent; it’s the intent of the artist that transcends through the colours and shapes into your heart and finds something to resonate with. I love how people interpret my paintings in different ways and most of the times I like to listen to their stories before I say what I [...] September 3, 2017
With me always
No matter how successful you are, how big your house is, how well your business is doing, how fit and healthy you are, I am quite certain and aware that the ultimate feeling of happiness comes from being with your soulmate. I never liked the phrase ‘my other half’ as that makes me feel chopped in half. I understand the sentiment, that your other half is the half to your whole, but it never quite resonated [...] August 15, 2017
I am a spiritual being having a human experience.
I did not come up with this phrase, it is used among many. Sometimes I have moments where I am unequivocally aware of the truth behind it. So much so that I can feel it with my entire being. As a society, when we are at pace, when we have shelter and food and the basic necessities taken care of, when there is no war or plague; we start to ponder, to look round at this amazing [...] July 30, 2017