
Goodbye 2020 – and bring on a fresh canvas for 2021! December 21, 2020


After a long and anxious year, 2020 is at last coming to an end. It has been a tough year for everyone, so I want to say first and foremost – thank you for being here.


Who would have thought, back in January, that the whole world would be disrupted so massively by a tiny virus? That the fabric of our communities and society would be tested so heavily, as it has been through lockdowns and the economic fallout?


Even as a creative, never in my wildest dreams, could I have imagined the year that we have just lived through! But not only did we make it through 2020, my dear friends; we have become more resilient for it. We countered disruption with new habits – working from home, connecting via Zoom, baking endless loaves of bread. We banded together to bang pots and help neighbours. Though we were sorely tested, the threads of our communities did not break.


In fact, I have experienced the opposite this year. Through my art and your support, we have built a new community. We created the Urban Queen and painted stories of empowerment, compassion and hope. The Urban Queen has become a symbol of the strong, delicate, imperfect growth that is possible within us all.

I have definitely grown a lot this year. First closing my studio and then opening a bigger one,  selling art during a pandemic was super nerve-wracking, but it was a dream I have worked hard for. I felt my creative voice could offer something unique for our times. I am so blessed to have found my passion in creating our beautiful Urban Queens. They have been a radiant silver lining in a year of darkness. And I hope they have brought you some light and joy as well.


The end of one year also marks a new beginning. Now is the time to step back, reflect and be proud of how far you have come. Wherever you are, whatever your situation – let’s gently let go of 2020 and prepare ourselves for more exciting challenges and new opportunities in the year ahead.


Like a blank canvas, 2021 is mysterious but full of potential – it’s just waiting for us to make our mark on it. I certainly have my paintbrushes ready! Building off the success of the 2020 Urban Queen series, I already have many creative ideas for 2021. I can’t wait to share these with you and continue on this journey.


The year might be over, but the Urban Queen movement will only keep growing!  


What are your plans for 2021? How are you going to invoke your inner Queen to re-energise yourself and refocus for the year ahead?